Special Section sponsored by TMPAA


International Brokerage & Surplus Lines, Inc.

Key programs administered: truck owners package program for cargo and physical damage; truckers liability; truckers GL (general liability); technology and professional liability programs; general liability; and liquor liability programs

International Brokerage & Surplus Lines (IBSL) has been in the business of providing specialty lines programs to agents and brokers since 1993. “Our focus,” IBSL proudly announces, “is on helping agents provide the best options for their clients easily and affordably.”

This Lakeland, Florida-based managing general agency has long been globally recognized as a prominent underwriter of transportation related programs, with an emphasis on trucking program packages. More recently, the agency has been considered a foremost pathfinder for its careful attention to protecting companies that offer technology related products or services via the Internet.

Mike Reiter, who was named chief financial officer and chief marketing officer at IBSL this past spring, says, “As a result of our growing focus on technology, we have rebranded the agency with a new look and a new logo. We’re continually increasing efforts to create a new technological infrastructure featuring a new Internet-based platform that will allow agents to communicate directly with IBSL instantaneously. Virtually without any delay. No data can go astray or be unaccounted for. It will be a Web direct operation, a true innovation in terms of helping our own agents as well as others within the industry.” Reiter, a third generation insurance agent, has been a senior official with Farmers, Iroquois, and most recently, Superior Access Insurance Services, in addition to a significant career as an independent agent and broker.

Janner Holliday, an early member and advocate of the Target Markets Program Administrators Association, and a former director of the association, continues as IBSL’s president. He and his father, Clyde Holliday, founded IBSL.

Transportation insurance programs continue as key elements of the company’s business. Its Trucker Owners Package Program (TOPP) is a broad based program for regulated and non-regulated carriers that provides cargo, section A, physical damage, section B, and the trailer interchange endorsement. The program can be “upgraded” to include down time coverage; extended towing; tarps, chains and binders; glass; personal effects; and an innovative “Shrinking Deductible Benefit”. This flexible program can be customized to include deductible buyback for owner operators, and occurrence deductibles for owners of tractors and trailers as well as offering substantial rate credits on newer equipment.

Under the broad heading of “transportation & marine,” IBSL also underwrites programs for truckers general liability, the garage category (dealers, open lot, and garagekeepers legal liability), and various forms of cargo insurance. IBSL provides regulatory filings such as ICC, PUC, Department of Defense, Freight Forwarders, and others.

While it continually hones its technology capabilities via its Safe Business™, SafeEnterprise™, and TechRisk™ products, designed to protect intellectual property liability, privacy violations, data loss, and companies’ Internet-related services and products, IBSL remains steadfast in its goal to diversify successfully. Among other new programs recently announced are: crime; commercial general liability; liquor liability; professional liability; employment practices liability; contractors equipment; burglar, fire alarm & telecom; home inspectors; office complexes; products liability; shopping centers; healthcare; nursing homes; and special events.

For more information about IBSL and the programs it administers, details are available from President Janner Holliday (janner@ibsl.com) and his colleagues at www.IBSL.com. *