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Special Section sponsored by

Target Programs

Where retail agents and specialty programs unite

Target Programs is entering its fifth year of putting retail agents and program administrators in connection with each other. Ray Scotto, executive director of the Target Markets Program Administrators Association (TMPAA) describes its mission:

“The goal of Target Programs is to drive business to our members’ agencies by connecting retail agents with our program administrators. All administrators featured have a mini Web site—or ‘Outlet Center’—that highlights their niche program[s]. Our system enables the retail agent to contact the administrators and work with them directly. We remain eager to work effectively and efficiently on behalf of our members, and bolster their bottom line.”

Sarah Ayars, newly appointed this year to the job of marketing coordinator for Target Programs, works closely with both program administrators featured on the site, as well as with the visiting retail agents. “It is important to give agents a clear picture of the coverages provided by our members,” she says. “I work with our program administrators to set up their individual Outlet Centers with information geared at driving business to their Web sites. My goal is to ensure a significant return on the Target Programs investment for our participants.”

Don Wilson, director of marketing for Bunker Hill Insurance, stated, “Target Programs provides us with an outstanding platform to market existing programs, announce expansion of coverages, and introduce new products and programs. We continue to receive inquiries from agents well after scheduled e-mail blasts, so we know that key decision makers are reading these e-mails and visiting our product pages. We are advised the moment an agent browses any of our Outlet Center pages. We subsequently follow up immediately, connecting with the agent at the exact time of their need. Our conversion rate on these opportunities is very high.”

Today, Target Programs features more than 60 program administrators. Included among each of our participating administrator’s benefits is a list of exclusive marketing opportunities throughout the year. One activity that continues to be successful is the issuing of our weekly product announce­ments. Several days a week, Target Programs releases brief messages that feature one administrator. It is sent to a database of agents that have asked to be updated with program information. The e-mail blasts are designed to be concise and to give agents just a few key points about the administrator.

“We had very good success with the Target Markets e-mail campaign,” said John P. Carr of CSI Insurance Agency. “Nearly every inquiry was a high quality response, and relationships were formed with a high percentage of respondents.”

In addition to product announcements, Target Programs also sends a newsletter to a large database of independent P-C retail agents each week. Every participating agency is featured exclusively for one annual distribution. Many members also take advantage of individual, stand-alone electronic ad development and delivery.

Sarah Ayars explains further, “We spend a lot of time speaking with retail agents who are using the site, many of them for the first time, and we’ve listened to their comments. Agents know that when they visit Target Programs, they will find qualified program administrators who can meet their precise needs with every search—and without clutter. In this economy, it is important to be cost effective with the marketing dollars you spend. We want to offer our members the industry’s most lucrative options for electronic marketing. Providing Target Programs as part of the TMPAA’s resources, differentiates us from other services that are available to the industry at much higher prices than ours.”

Warren G. Freeman, director of sales and marketing at VGM Insurance of Waterloo, Iowa, reflects on his company’s lengthy association with Target Programs:

“For several years we have found the Target Markets program to be very worthwhile and a no-brainer for VGM Insurance. As a program administrator specializing in home medical equipment and related companies, we value the Target Markets Program and appreciate being able to be part of this organization.”

Retail agents who wish to receive program business updates, or who would like to explore the Target Programs database should visit

Program administrators/MGAs interested in learning more about the TMPAA, and listing their programs on the Web site, should contact Sarah Ayars, Target Programs marketing coordinator, (302) 765-6053,














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