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Special Section sponsored by

XDimensional Technologies

Key product: Nexure(r)...expanding the definition of "agency management system"

Since its initial release in 2004, XDimensional Technologies’ Nexsure solution has been doing things that other agency management systems never could.

Its ultra modern technology and design makes it the industry’s only true web engineered “no software” solution. This cloud computing methodology for deployment finally liberates agencies to radically simplify their IT infrastructure requirements and to focus on what they do best.

An enterprise-class database architecture lets Nexsure scale for the largest agencies in the world with ease, while at the same time, making it lightning fast for a one person startup agency accessing its Nexsure system from a cellular connected notebook computer.

Functionally, Nexsure has expanded the potential of automation to include nonstandard lines of business, real out-of-sequence endorsement processing, and complex billing, commission, and accounting scenarios that other systems simply cannot handle.

With on-board/built-in portals and collaboration, Nexsure extends an agency’s reach to include its insured clients, outside producers, and carrier trading partners. Again, with no software required.

Most recently, Nexsure has expanded to include advanced wholesale/program administrator capabilities including SubmissionSuite and Retail Agent Access Portal, empowering agencies to take their products to the Web for online real time submissions, and providing the ultimate power of on-board, rules-based underwriting, pricing, and policy issuance.

A key customer’s testimonial

The Mainstay Insurance Group, a program administrator and specialty wholesale broker in Bellevue, Washington, is a customer of XDimensional Technologies. Mainstay recently issued the following statement citing the value it receives from Nexsure’s unique technical capabilities:

“A modern technology platform was an integral and strategic component of our business plan. We launched our operation nationally in 2008, and were committed from the start to differentiating our competitive value proposition through superior service to insured clients and to our retail brokers. Nexsure lets us do just that. Of all the products we considered for agency management, Nexsure was—by far—the most advanced. With no software to install or maintain on our desktops, we can focus on our business without the typical worry, headaches, and expense of hardware and network maintenance. Nexsure offers clever and innovative features that enable us to engage and collaborate with our customers and business partners in exciting new ways. Even the traditional policy servicing and accounting functions are provided with a more modern and efficient user experience. We’re glad we selected Nexsure as our agency management system. Agencies considering a new strategic technology platform should definitely include it in the solutions they evaluate.

—Dusty Rowland

President and CEO

Mainstay Insurance Group, Inc.

Whether your agency is retail, wholesale, or mixed—or whether your agency happens to be large, small or in between—let us introduce you to Nexsure.

Experience Nexsure—the next generation of the “agency management system.”


Bob Juracka
XDimensional Technologies






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